2016 A-Z Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal

Oooo...the day is getting closer; creeping stealthily, it will smack you in the face in no time!

While we impatiently await the start of the challenge, it's time to reveal our themes.  Yay!  I'm going for something drastically different this year.  Something much more challenging than I've ever done in my previous four years participating in this particular challenge.  Normally my posts are pretty straight-forward, contained, not overly ambitious.  This year is going to be another beast all together.

My mission, should I choose to accept it, will be to write one continuous story for the entire challenge.  I know my characters, setting, and where I want it to go...kind of.  All I need to figure out is how to get from point A to point Z.  The first word of each post will start with the letter for the day; some of these will definitely be more difficult than others, but I'm determined.

I look forward to writing this, receiving feedback, and having a rip-roaring good time while doing so.  I hope you're all ready for April!

So, what are you planning on posting about for this year's challenge?  And, if you have never participated (or heard of the A-Z Blogging Challenge), definitely check it out and SIGN UP (there's still time).  I promise you will be challenged, frustrated, elated, and pleased as punch by the end of April.  You will also feel incredibly accomplished!


  1. Good luck with your theme!

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  2. Excellent! I look forward to your posts.

  3. I love that idea! Maybe because I'm doing something similar for my theme this year. :) Here's my entry

  4. You can do it, Lady. You have your characters and setting and that is more than half the mile. All the best and good luck. I look forward to reading your story.

    1. Thank so much, Pat! Now if only I could discipline myself to draft out the letters...sigh...

  5. You certainly have one of the more creative theme ideas I've seen.

    I'm doing the A to Z Challenge, but not with a theme.

    1. Nice! I like creativity ;) Thanks for visiting!

  6. Serialised fiction. Way to go! Creative and fab theme, will hook a lot of readers. Good luck! and have the most amazing A-Z challenge.

    Best wishes

    1. Thanks, Nilanjana! I'm excited and nervous for it.

  7. A very creative theme. It's also a way to keep on writing...moving forward!
    From past challenges, I know that readers tend to like this type of theme.

    My theme is showcasing bloggers books and book reviews. There will be loads of giveaways too!
    See you on the A to Z circuit!
    Writer In Transit

    1. I will definitely be checking yours out, Michelle, as those are some of my favorite topics! Thanks for visiting :)

  8. My 4th year of participating too. The #Challenge is hard work, but I love meeting new writers like you. See you in April.

    1. Thanks, Stepheny! I have loved participating in this challenge (definitely my favorite of all I take part in), but this year I'm attempting to step up my game! Yikes!

  9. What a great idea. It's definitely going to be a challenge! Good luck :)

    1. Yes. Yes it is. Thanks for stopping by, Debbie :)

  10. That sounds intriguing but it does sound challenging. Have you written the story in advance or will you write it as you go and will each segment depend on readers comments and participation? Now that would really add a whole extra layer of complexity to your challenge. I commend you for originality. I've bookmarked your site and I will be back you check out your story in progress. I'm eager to read it. Good luck. I'm number 244 on the theme reveal list. My blog is undergoing a makeover so it might be rather naked looking right now, but as the deigner explained, better empty and loading timely until she can figure out the problems than pretty, and loading slowly .
    I will see you in April.

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I have sketched out the general story and drafted some of the posts, but nothing is set in stone as of yet. I plan to spend time really working on it over the weekend and next week (I'm definitely a last minute writer...pressure!). I will probably not have the time to work comments/suggestions into the mix as I do work full-time as well, but that would definitely be an added complexity! I'm excited to begin the challenge...but terrified, too. Ugh. I will definitely pop over to visit your "in-progress" blog :)

  11. That sounds cool. I look forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks! Still working out the logistics...nothing like last minute planning ;)

  12. Good luck, Mel. I'm doing Camp Nano in April too, so I'll be staying away from story themes, just in case! I'll check it out afterwards, though.
    Jemima Pett

    1. Understandable, Jemima! I've always thought about doing Camp Nano (it's a much more convenient time for me than November is), but have never buckled down to do it. Good luck!

  13. Best of luck to you, will be fun to see how the story grows :)

    1. Yes, Ginni, it will! I'm excited and terrified at the same time ;)


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