A-Z Blogging Challenge 2013

April is just around the corner and that means the much anticipated month-long blogging event "The A-Z Blogging Challenge."  I am a second year participant of this challenge and look forward to the many blogs and bloggers that I will encounter throughout April.  Last year I didn't have any set theme and I'm not exactly sure how I'll approach it this year.  There's still a month to prep for the challenge, but knowing me I'll wait until the very last minute and throw together a hodge-podge of randomness. 

The blogging challenge is a great event because it introduces your blog to people and it allows you to visit blogs that you might not normally come across.  I know that there are several blogs that I now follow who were 2012 participants.  If you'd like to be a participant, here's the link to sign up

Can't wait for April 1st!


  1. This is my second year as well. And I have no idea what I'm going to do either! Last year I was very organized, had a theme, and wrote posts in advance. Nothing is coming to my brain yet re: what I will write about. Sigh. I'm looking forward to your April :)

    1. Hi Judy!
      I'm glad to see you're back for the Challenge. I had a lot of fun last year and hope this year is just as promising. I look forward to April!

  2. I found you from the A-Z Challenge. I look forward to reading your blog.

  3. Hi Mel,
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog.
    = )

    1. Hi Jai,
      Thanks for the nomination and stopping by! I'll pop over to your blog and work my nomination post. Looking forward to the A-Z Challenge this year!

  4. Hi Mel, just swinging by from the A to Z April Challenge to say hello and wish you well for April. This is also my second year and this time around I'm approaching it with a theme. Hope you enjoy the Challenge ride and thanks for mentioning the Challenge on your blog ~ Judy (an Arlee Bird A-Z Challenge Ambassdaor)

    1. Hi Judy,
      Thanks for stopping by! I've been attempting to think of a theme, but nothing's set in stone as of yet. Until April!


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