Where'd Ya Go?!

Sorry for the lack of posting these past two months, dear Readers.  I spent the entire month of November, and the majority of December, out of my office doing high school recruitment events for the university I work and, wouldn't you know it, my laptop decided to take a vacation at the same time!  So...no office time and a lack of computer doesn't really help in the consistent posting department.  Also, I worked quite a bit of overtime and didn't want to look at a computer or think very much once I plopped myself down on the couch.  Ha.  Regardless, I received a shiny new HP laptop/tablet thingy (clearly technology is my forte), on which I'm typing away, for Christmas.  This should significantly help my posting habits!  Word. 

Things to look forward to in the future: 
  • Getting back into posting in conjunction with other blogger memes/events
  • More book reviews
  • Visiting bloggers.  WHAT!  That's right :)
  • Some original writing
  • And anything else that strikes my fancy...maybe some recipes...crafts.  The possibilities are endless!
In the meantime, happy reading, fellow bloggers!


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