A Long Absence

I realize that I have been virtually non-existent in my posting this past month.  Honestly, I have no excuses; I had plenty of downtime.  However, I chose to do something else (or nothing else) instead of catching my lovely readers up on my reviews, Why I Loves, and Teaser Tuesdays.  It's tragic and I apologize.  I feel like a failure in the blog-o-sphere, but I'm going to remedy this and soon!  Regardless of my tired excuses, here's a quick update on what's been going on with me in the PNW and what's going to be going on with the blog:

What's up with me:
  1.  Summer term came to an end with excellent results.  
  2. I reread the Harry Potter books and fell in love with Hogwarts all over again :)
  3.  I had an interview at my Alma Mater for a position in administration.
  4.  I was offered the position.
  5.  I informed the community college I work for that I would be unavailable to teach courses in the Fall because of the new position I had accepted.  I will really miss interacting with the students, but this is a career move in the right direction.  On the plus side, I am still able to teach online and evening courses at a satellite campus :)
  6. Started my new job.
  7. Moved to a new city...well, town, really...cutting my commute from one hour to ten minutes!
And in the PNW:
  1. We had a long, and surprisingly, glorious summer.  Much longer than normal with warm weather lasting well into October.
  2. The rain has finally started and will be here until, oh, June I'd say ;)  Please and thank you!
  3. College football season started and how 'bout them BEAVS!!!!  Props to Mike Riley, the coaching staff, and all the Oregon State players on a well-played season so far (5-0).  Keep the In 'n Out Burger stops coming :)
And for the blog:
  1. I WILL get caught up on my reviews...I think there are about 17 or so that I need to do.
  2. I WILL start posting regularly again.
  3. I WILL participate in Teaser Tuesdays and Why I Love Wednesdays again.
  4. I WILL be more consistent!
There you have it.  An update on me, the Pacific Northwest, and what I will be doing with the blog.  Happy Tuesday everyone :)


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