Teaser Tuesday...Poor Johnny!

Excerpt from Jerome Charyn's Johnny One-Eye:  A Tale of the American Revolution:

"They tied me to a pole, took paintbrushes out of their britches, dipped the brushes into the caldron, and started slabbering me with tar.  I was like a hog that had to be basted on a hot spit.  The tar went into my eyelashes, into my hair, into my armpits, into the webs of my fingers, into the fork between my legs, covered my member with a black well.  I hollered holy murder.  My body was an island of burning skin." (70)

I've been trying to read this book for awhile.  One day I hope to finish it!  So far, I'm on page 74 of 479.  My bookmark's been in that spot for awhile...


  1. Oh no. It sounds like a slow read. That tar incident sounds like a horrible experience for that character. Wow! Great teaser :)


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