B.O.B Update (Updated Day 4)

Bout of Books 14 Progress and Challenge Tracker I will be keeping track of my progress for the Bout of Books 14 Reading Challenge on this page, updated daily. Day 4 Challenge Stats: Currently Reading: Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes Pages Read: 118 Challenges: None Thoughts: Reading-wise, day four was a real gem for me. I really felt like I read more than I actually did, so I'm counting it as a victory. I was so bummed that I didn't finish my book because I'm so close! I should finish it this weekend, probably tonight. Day five shall be a reading extravaganza :) Day 3 Challenge Stats: Currently Reading: Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes Pages Read: 34 Challenges: M.A.S.H. hosted by Sarah at Rocky Top Real Talk Thoughts: Though not a super successful reading day, I did really enjoy participating in the mini challenge (such a fun throwback)! I'm hoping that today is a littl...