B.O.B Update (Updated Day 4)

Bout of Books 14 Progress and Challenge Tracker
I will be keeping track of my progress for the Bout of Books 14 Reading Challenge on this page, updated daily.

Day 4 Challenge Stats:
Currently Reading:  Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes
Pages Read:  118
Challenges:  None
Thoughts:  Reading-wise, day four was a real gem for me.  I really felt like I read more than I actually did, so I'm counting it as a victory.  I was so bummed that I didn't finish my book because I'm so close!  I should finish it this weekend, probably tonight.  Day five shall be a reading extravaganza :)

Day 3 Challenge Stats:
Currently Reading:  Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes
Pages Read:  34
Challenges:  M.A.S.H. hosted by Sarah at Rocky Top Real Talk
Thoughts:  Though not a super successful reading day, I did really enjoy participating in the mini challenge (such a fun throwback)!  I'm hoping that today is a little more productive in the reading department as I would really like to finish one book for this round of Bout of Books.  My housework may take a back burner...and I'm okay with that...kind of.  Here's to day four!

Day 2 Challenge Stats:
Currently Reading:  Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes
Pages Read:  0
Challenges:  None
Thoughts:  While day two might look like I accomplished nothing, I have a decent reason why!  I took the day off work and spent it floating the river with friends.  Though I didn't get any reading done for the day, I did come away with a pretty good tan (for me) and only a slight sunburn.  Yay for small victories :)  Day three shall be better on the reading front!

Day 1 Challenge Stats:
Currently Reading:  Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes
Pages Read:  62
Challenges:  Fictional World Travel hosted by Between Library Shelves
Thoughts:  For not getting any reading done until well into the evening, I feel that day one of the challenge went rather well.  I read quite a bit, even cleaned the house, and participated in the mini challenge for the day.  I wasn't able to get to the Twitter chat, but I still count day one as a pretty solid success!

Happy reading, fellow Bout of Bookers!


  1. Good luck with the rest of the readathon. I really liked your world travel by book challenge!

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed putting that one together.


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