Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Habits to Quit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and it's a way to share what you're loving in list form. The topic changes every week, so there is always something new to discover!
This week's topic is:  Top Ten Bookish Habits I Want to Quit/Have Quit.  I have a lot of book habits...and habits are hard to break!  Here are some I'd really like to work on:

1.  Dog-earring pages!  I am horrible at this and always manage to lose bookmarks, so I find that dog-earring a page works best.  However, I ONLY do this with books that I own!  I used to do it to library books and then I felt horrible, so I stopped.  I NEVER do it to books I borrow from friends because I am of the mindset that you return it in the EXACT same condition as it was lent to you.  I am now adopting this with library books, too.  I have recently been using a beer sticker as a bookmark (haha) because it's the perfect size and only has printing on one side (that's how I know which page I'm on).
2.  Continually adding books to my TBR list that I will probably never...ever...get to.  I try cleaning it up, but then I hem and haw over each and every book.  Because you just never know!  It's a problem.  I add books every single day, throughout the day, and I am kind of overwhelmed by the mounting number.  Sigh...
Current Count:  2758...seriously?!
This will probably be higher by the end of the day...

3.  Checking multiple books out from the library when I have an entire 6+ foot bookshelf that is double stacked and crammed chockablock full of perfectly good unread books at home.  I have no problem getting through the books I check out in time to return them, but I could totally use an intervention...or at least someone to say "NO!  Walk away from the library, Melissa!  Walk away NOW!" 

4.  Planning out my books to read (for specific challenges) from what I already own...and then throwing that list out the freakin' window because I went to the library and/or bookstore.  This ties in to the above.  It also shows that I really try to read what I already own...and fail miserably. 

5.  Feeling compelled to finish every single book I start.  I rarely, if ever, have a DNF because there is always a little voice in the back of my mind saying things like "It could get better"..."But what if something awesome happens"..."What if there's a major twist"..."If you don't finish this, you fail at life".  Okay, maybe not that last one, but I feel incredibly guilty if I don't finish a book.  Needless to say, I've read some pretty shitty books because of this 'disorder'.

6.  Along with the above, sticking to a series that has lost its pizzazz, mojo, spark.  I'm looking at you, Janet Evanovich!  The new Stephanie Plum book is coming out next month and I will read it.  I know I will.  And I will be disappointed...probably.  But I just can't walk away! 
7.  I judge books by their cover.  It's true.  If the cover does not intrigue me, I find it very difficult to pick the book up and read the synopsis.  However, if I am really into the book cover and then the book turns out to be like pulling teeth to read, then I get really angry.  Thanks for that, The Night Circus!  Beautiful cover...not so beautiful story.  I just couldn't get into it, but I finished it, dammit!  Ugh.

8.  I read to the detriment of everything around me.  My sleep.  It's all sacrificed for the love of reading.  Whoops!  Some may call this a problem, I call this dedication!

9.  Lending books.  I don't do it unless I really, really trust you.  I have had so many books not returned to me that it has become my policy to never lend a book to someone unless I see them regularly (like, daily) or I know where to find them if need be.  However, I have no problem recommending books like a fiend :)

10.  Silently judging people based on what they read.  It's horrible.   I know it's horrible.  But I still do it!  I'm sure people judge me based on my reading habits/preferences/choices, but oh well.  I don't voice these opinions; at least I don't think I do.  But I have a telling I'm told. 

So...what are some of your reading/bookish habits that you want to quit/have quit?  Do you identify with any of mine?

Also, look for next week's top ten:  Top Ten Author Duos I'd Love to See Write a Book Together. 

Happy reading!


  1. Love your list!! I relate to so many of these! Especially #3 and #4!!!

    And...embrace the DNF! Life is too short to read something you're not loving! There are so many other books out there!

    1. I'm really going to try to embrace the DNF...

  2. oh i so agree with many of these! Lol you are not alone :) My TTT

    1. Excellent! Thanks for visiting, Carrie :)

  3. I thought my 300 something wishlist on Amazon was huge! You've got me beat in the TBR list for sure! :P

  4. #1 & #5 are both ones that I can relate to!
    My TTT:


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