Writer's Workshop: 10 Reasons I Love Fall

Fall is definitely my favorite season of the year.  That honor used to belong to Spring, but it's all about Fall now.  I just love it!  Here are a few reasons why:

Crisp, Cool Weather
I am not a fan of warm weather, so Fall is the perfect foil for the horribleness that is Summer.  I love stepping outside and breathing deeply of the fog filled morning.  It's refreshing and feels oh-so-good on my lungs.

Pumpkin Everything
I have yet to order a Pumpkin Spice Latte (from anywhere...basic?), but I love all things pumpkin.  Pie, candles, pumpkin pie spice, lotion.  If it's pumpkin, I'm game.  Mmmm

Changing Leaves
Ah, science.  It's so beautiful!

Only the BEST holiday of the entire year!  I love spooky things and what better time to partake in things like that than Halloween.  Scary costumes, candy, scary movies, little kids dressed up so cute!  And I absolutely love carving pumpkins!  I love it all.

Snuggly, Cozy Blankets
Curling up in a cushy chair or couch with a snuggly blanket is the best.  I wrap myself in all that fluffy wonderfulness and crack open a book or pop in a movie.  It's glorious.

There's nothing like sweater weather.

Along with sweaters, who doesn't love a great pair of boots!  They make you feel so cozy.

I am in love with rain.  And storms.  The sound of rain is soothing and I sleep so much better when it's stormy.

I have an abundance of scarves.  Maybe too many, but I lie to myself and say that's not true.  The BF refuses to buy me any more scarves.  He'll cave :)

Travel for Work
Fall marks the time of year when I'm able to get out of the office for work sometimes.  Though not my primary job, I get the opportunity to tag along with admissions counselors and participate in high school on-site admission events for the university where I work.  These are often heavily scheduled in the month of November, and we're incredibly slammed in general, but it's so rewarding telling a 17/18 year old that they CAN go to a university!

So what are some of your favorite things about Fall?

Writer's Workshop is hosted by Kat at Mama's Losin' It


  1. This is a great list. I am a pumpkin-everything girl too. I think the only thing I'd add is that Fall is when I get out the smelly pumpkin candles I love so much.

    1. Yes! Mmmm...pumpkin candles :) I have two that I've been purposely putting off lighting. So yummy!

  2. Did you hear that there is going to be a shortage of pumpkins this fall? I'm not even lying. Apparently there was too much rain in July or something and it affected the fields. I know. I know.
    Google it.

    1. That would totally suck! But, in Oregon, I don't really think we'll have too much of an issue because we didn't get hardly ANY rain this year.

  3. I'm finally starting to warm up to the fact that summer is gone and fall is here. I like the changing of the leaves the most. I also love that football is here. lol I think I love pretty much everything on your list. =)

    1. :) I also enjoy football, but prefer the college games to the professional games. So much more passion! Thanks for visiting, Mimi.

  4. I agree with all of these reasons. Fall is the best!

  5. Other than the "travel for work" part, THIS IS WHY I LOVE FALL TOO!


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