Writer's Workshop: 10 Reasons I Love Spring

Spring has officially begun here in the PNW...we have the allergies to prove it!  Despite the scratchy eyes, runny noses, and overall itchy feeling Spring often gives us, there is still a lot of room for love during the season.  Here are 10 reason why I love Spring!

Colorful Flowers
The abundance of flowers and colors in Oregon is astounding.  This is the best time of year to really experience a fragrant, beautiful array of eye-candy (the other kind) and freshen up any room.  My favorite is the peony :)

Warm Days (that don't get too hot)
I am NOT a fan of warm weather.  Spring (and Fall) offer the type of weather that I am most comfortable in: 60-80ish.  Though we've had a much warmer Spring so far, it hasn't been completely unbearable yet.  I'm very worried about Summer temps though...yikes!

BBQ's Galore
You really can't beat the smell or taste of BBQ.  And the fact that BBQ's are often comprised of getting together with a group of friends...that's the best!  Now I really want some BBQ...charred...mmmm

Outdoor Drinking
It's not very often that we are able to sit outside of an establishment and enjoy a nice, hoppy beer or fruity wine.  Spring allows us to do that!  Since I live in Willamette Wine Country (it's a thing...and AWESOME), the number of local vineyards/wineries with outdoor seating is astonishing.  Nothing beats a nice glass of wine and a wood-fired pizza while gazing out at the rolling vineyards.  Our breweries also offer these types of settings.

Stoller Family Estate; Dundee, Oregon

Picnics in the Park
Springtime offers the perfect setting for throwing a blanket down in the park and basking in the weather.  It's relaxing and a nice change of pace.

Fresh Cut Grass
This is, hands down, one of the best smells in the world.  While the smell of grass is a year round occurrence in the PNW, it becomes amplified during the Spring.  MMMMM

More Daylight in the Evenings
Longer lit evenings give people more time to be out and about...and you don't always notice the time during this season (Summer as well).  Having more daylight in the evenings also forces me to do more things that I would during the Fall and Winter...

Fresh Fruits
Farmers markets start popping up in nearly every town during the Spring and they are the BEST place to score local fresh fruits (and veggies).  Even small towns have them!  You really can't beat purchasing your produce from local vendors and supporting your local economy.

This is the time of year when outdoor festivals and celebrations really start gearing up in our area.  Some notable ones are:  the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival, Oregon Ag Fest, Cinco de Micro Brewfest, the Keizer Iris Festival, and the Wineries Memorial Day Weekend Open House to name a few.
Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest w/Mt Hood in the Background

The Spring Dance Concert
Every Spring, the Dance Department at the university where I work puts on a Spring Dance Concert over three days.  The concert is comprised of student pieces (graduating Seniors are required to choreograph a piece for the show), a notable guest choreographer, and a piece by the Rainbow Dance Theatre.  I've been going religiously for the past five-ish years (after taking a hiatus when I lived overseas) and it's become a tradition to attend with one of my fellow alums and dear friend, Jenna.  This year's performances were stellar; probably the best I've seen in terms of both choreography and dancing.  It was also the 40th Anniversary of the concert this year, so that probably added some extra incentive to be awesome.

So, what are some of your favorite things about Spring?

Writer's Workshop is hosted by Kat at Mama's Losin' It


  1. Spring is nice--I enjoy the Tulip Festival we have here locally as well, such beauty is unbelievable and lifts the spirits.

    1. It really does. Thanks for stopping by, Kelly!

  2. Outdoor drinking is my favourite. Tea was had this morning even though it was very VERY chilly still. I still enjoyed the fresh air and listening to the birds.
    And a good cold beer in the evening when it gets warmer out! Especially when the BBQ is going!

    1. Agreed on all accounts, Kimberly. Thanks for visiting :)

  3. What a gorgeous picture of the Tulip Festival!

    I love bbqs and longer daylight hours. Yes, Spring is my favorite.

    1. Agreed! Thanks for stopping by, Jerralea.

  4. I have to agree with the entire list. Spring is such a welcome season especially after a particularly gloomy fall/winter!

    1. True...though we've had a VERY mild Fall/Winter this year. I'm terrified to see how hot it's going to be this Summer. Ugh. Thanks for visiting, Kat!


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