Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday:  The Lake of Dead Languages

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn @ A Daily Rhythm. Here are the rules: grab whatever you're reading, open to a random page, select no more than two sentence (NO SPOILERS), share the title and author, and GO!

Here's today's teaser:
"I remember the conversation I had with Athena before her last exam, when she saw me looking at the scar.  She told me that her aunt had sent her here to dry out from boys.  I had laughed and turned away from her." --page 62
          The Lake of Dead Languages by Carol Goodman

I've heard good things about this book and, while it's interesting, I am finding it a little difficult to really get in to.  Fingers crossed is really sucks me in soon.

Happy reading!


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