Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday:  Hausfrau
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn @ A Daily Rhythm. Here are the rules: grab whatever you're reading, open to a random page, select no more than two sentence (NO SPOILERS), share the title and author, and GO!

Here's today's teaser:
"The longing for diversion was a recent development; her pining to be hungered for was decades old.  But both rose from a lassitude born of small-scale grudges and trifling, trivial injuries, the last ten years of which she blamed on Bruno.  From that rose boredom and from boredom particular habits were born.  This she could not blame on Bruno." --page 45
          Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum

Not sure how to categorize my feelings on this one yet...


  1. Your Teaser makes me wonder what diversions she finds. Sounds like she might get into a little trouble -- and that's always fun to read.
    My Tuesday post features A Weekend Getaway

    1. Oh...she gets into a lot of trouble! Thanks for visiting, Sandra :)

  2. I've been hearing such great things about this book. Yes, I definitely see trouble in her future. LOL

    Here is mine if you are interested: http://www.literaryfeline.com/2015/09/where-is-your-bookmark-09152015.html

    1. I heard the same things. I've since finished the book...and it was only a three out of five stars for me. It's good, but I've read the EXACT same story written better. To each their own ;)


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