Why I Love...Love Stories

It's Wednesday (halfway through the workweek) and that means it's time for Why I Love.  Now I know I haven't been a dedicated Why I Love poster these past few weeks, but I am trying to remedy that.  Instead of reading through student journals and midterm exams I am choosing to actually write a post for this week's topic:  Love Stories.

I, like nearly every girl out there, love a good love story.  Though I don't generally gravitate toward "happy ending" books, sometimes you need a little pick me up amidst the melancholy.  This is where a good love story comes into play.  While a lot of the times love stories tend to follow the same pattern, there are a few that really stick out in my mind.  Here, in random order, are my picks for favorite love stories:

Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice
I absolutely love the story of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy...mainly because I want my very own Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth-esque).  I like the fact that they start as contemptuous foes and gradually realize that they're perfect for each other.  It's so swoon-worthy!  I love the little nuances that Austen describes, like the touching of a hand or a mere glance, that completely encapsulate the underlying feelings of these two characters.  It's brilliant.

Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables
Now I know that most people wouldn't necessarily classify Anne as a traditional love story, but I fell head over heels in love with the relationship between Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe.  These two are the epitome of the schoolyard crush, complete with hair pulling and slate smashing.  It's comical, endearing, and unending.
Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind
Despite the fact that Scarlet is a spoiled, entitled, uppity Southern Belle, the love story of her and Rhett is one of immediacy.  I never believed her love for Ashley (pure puppy love) and always loved how Rhett wasn't one to idly sit back and let Scarlet steamroll him.  He's a man's man and he balances Scarlet in a perfect way.  Their love was passionate and fiery.
Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South
Not many people have read Gaskell's North and South, but they should!  The love that develops between Margaret Hale and John Thornton is smoldering and passionate.  These two are continually at societal and economical odds, yet they manage to forge a relationship that is stronger together than it is apart.  They're perfect for each other and a true testament to the term "opposites attract."
There are a multitude of love stories that I could write about, but these four are the ones that stand out the most when I think of ultimate love stories.  Each is special in its own way and each will remain so.  Sigh...


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