Racing the Shore -- Flash Fiction Challenge

"Racing the Shore"

I ruffled the fur of his neck as we gazed across the river.  Charlie, my aging protector.  Always the first to greet me at the door and the last to take his eyes off me whenever I left the room.  He had been my constant companion for ten years and it was hard to believe that we were sitting here again; the very spot where our bond was forged years ago.  I silently thanked my father for the gift of Charlie and unhooked his leash.

“What do you say, boy?  One more adventure?”

And we raced along the shore.


This post is part of Charli Mills' Flash Fiction Challenge hosted by Carrot Ranch Communications

June 10, 2015 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about an animal rescue. It can be a typical dog or cat rescue from the pound, or helping a critter less fortunate. Go where the prompt leads you.

The rules can be found here.


  1. Such a beautiful flash. We lost our old german shepherd last week and I related well to the way your owner looked, thought and talked about Charlie. Always up for an adventure and sadly one will be his last.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. So tender, so well-written. The image pops to life and I think many can relate to it. Thank you for joining us this week!


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