The Prompt Box

A new resolution halfway through the year...

I recently discovered, through a great blog I stumbled across during the A-Z Challenge, the wonders of a Prompt Box (she'd posted about it recently).  Brilliant!  Why hadn't I thought of this?  I used prompts for years when I was teaching writing, but had never really applied them to myself.  Complete disconnect  So I made one yesterday.

This is my Prompt Box.

I filled it with quotes, images, ideas, and things that inspire me.  Every time I pull a prompt out, I will replace it with a new inspiration.  Whatever I come across that speaks to me. 

With this box, I will finally begin to write the way I should be writing...the way I want to be writing.  Every. Damn. Day.  For a minimum of ten minutes; more if I am on a roll!

I might post some things.  Others I will not.  I believe, in this practice, I will find serenity, creativity, passion, and catharsis. 

How do you get jazzed to write?  Does anyone else use a prompt box?  And, if so, how does it work for you? 

Happy writing (and reading)!


  1. Great idea! I keep a journal of writing ideas and notes, so I have something to pull from when I'm feeling uninspired.

    1. I always have a notebook on me, but a blank page is often daunting...

  2. That's a great idea! Currently I work off of the days of the week "Money Monday", "Travel Tuesday", etc, etc… It's nice sitting down to blog and having an idea of what you want to say! I need to get better about thinking of actual topics in advance though. Hopefully this prompt box works for you!

    1. I've never heard of the days of the week idea...hmmm. I'm hoping it works for me too. Time will tell! Thanks for visiting, Mandy :)


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