Why I Love...Powell's!

With the recent closing of our local Borders (where I spent a lot of time not only reading, but grading papers and drinking coffee), I have been forced to either frequent used bookshops or venture into ordering my books online.  I've never had a problem with either of these options, but I think that Powell's presents the best of BOTH worlds!  This is why Powell's is my Favorite Book Institution.

Powell's New and Used Bookstore is located in downtown Portland, Oregon and is simply amazing!  Now, the website leaves a lot to the imagination, but let me tell you this place is a treasure trove of awesomness! 
First off, Powell's encompasses an entire city block, boasts an awesome coffee shop, has both new and used copies, requires a map and color coded signs to get around, AND you can even get married in your favorite section!  Now that's pretty great. 

Powell's was opened in 1971, very humbly, and continued to grow into the great entity it is today and now has more than five locations throughout the city (though the largest and most comprehensive is the downtown location).  It's said that Powell's is the largest new and used bookstore in the world.  You can find just about anything that you're looking for in this mega-bookstore; from hardback to paperback and new books to used books...all on the same shelf.  Not only do they have their regular city locations, but you can also find an annex and two satellite stores at Portland International Airport.

I think one of the most amazing things about this bookstore is the experience.  Walking through the stacks is an adventure every single time and you never know what you're going to find just around the corner.
I remember my first time entering Powell's.  It was in the late fall in college with a couple of girlfriends and simply overwhelming.  The smell as you walk in (glue, paper, old books, coffee, and more) is divine.  We spent hours scouring the shelves and didn't even make it to every room...or floor. 
Now that's a map!!  
Again, the directional signs really do help you to navigate the labyrinth that is Powell's.

I highly recommend that, if you're ever in the area, Powell's is near the top of your "Must See and Do" list.  It's worth venturing into the city and definitely worth all the money you'll spend on books you simply can't live without.  Powell's...simply amazing!!!


  1. Oh my gosh. Powell's looks so amazing. I can't believe it spans an entire block. I'm so jealous of you right now.

  2. It is the best bookstore I have ever been to...hands down.

  3. Ummm...I think next reunion is going to you....that place looks AMAZING.

  4. Binks...it's on my list when you guys visit!


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