B.O.B. 11 Goals

Bout of Books 11 Goals
We are very quickly approaching the start of Bout of Books 11 and I'm super excited to be participating again!  I participated in the last Bout of Books Challenge, my first time joining in, and would like to think it was rather successful for me.  However, I want to do more this time! 

Here is what I hope to get done
  1. Finish the Divergent series by Veronica Roth (this will count for this challenge, Bookish Bingo, and the Beat the Heat Challenge I'm currently participating in).  I'm just starting the first in the series, so I should be able to accomplish this.
  2. Read Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden.  This will also count for all three challenges!
  3. Read more pages than I did for the last Bout of Books...a total of 779 pages last time.
  4. Participate in as many mini-challenges and chats as feasible!
I'm thinking this is doable. 

If you're interested, there's still time to sign up!  Here's the link.

Happy reading!


  1. Good Luck with your goals! I'm hoping to get to Allegiant this readathon as well! So I can finish the Divergent Trilogy!
    My Goals/TBR- http://angelica-2009.blogspot.com/2014/08/bout-of-books-110-goals-and-tbr.html

    1. Excellent! I might only have the last in the series to finish by the time the challenge starts...haha. Good luck!

  2. Yay for the Divergent series! I'm hoping to start book #2 next week so we'll be reading the same thing. :) Hope we both enjoy it!

    Here's what I'll be reading next week

    1. Yeah! I'm just about done with Divergent, so I'll be plowing into book 2 this weekend. Good luck with the challenge!

  3. Hope you like Divergent trilogy. I really liked books 1 and 2 but was not a fan of Allegiant. I did read Memoirs of a Geisha, but to be honest I can only remember the movie. Good luck with your goals, Melissa!

    1. I'm enjoying the series so far. Just started Allegiant and it's okay. Will definitely keep an open mind (though I already know how it ends...) Still not super thrilled to read Memoirs of a Geisha, but I feel like it's one I should read. Alas...

  4. Enjoy Divergent! Have fun during Bout of Books

    Kris @ IMR


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