Blogging From A-Z

Hot damn, it's almost that time of year when bloggers from around the world spend an entire month (minus Sundays) writing letter specific posts.  This will be my fourth year as an A-Z participant; needless to say, I love it!  I have no idea what my posts will be about this time.  I've done a month of random posts, one dedicated to Oregon, and one all about authors I love.  The possibilities are endless and I feel a tad overwhelmed about it right now.  Thankfully there are a couple months to ruminate on this...

If you would like to sign up, or just check it out, here's the link!


  1. I'm definitely participating this year!! clue for a theme....I think since it's my first year I should be happy just to complete it even without a theme but I still want to do a creative one!


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