Top Ten Tuesday: Film Adaptations

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and it's a way to share what you're loving in list form. The topic changes every week, so there is always something new to discover!
This week's topic is a freebie, so I'm going with: Top Ten Books to Film Adaptations.  I don't normally find that films do a great job of portraying how awesome books are, but these films did a pretty good job at getting it right!

Fight Club (1999)
The book is awesome and the film is even better...whoops...did I say that?  Yep.  This is such a great adaptation of Palahnuik's novel and the acting is superb. 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010)
This is, hands down, my favorite film in the series.  I found that the story finally captured the darkness and angst of the books.  It was beautifully filmed and makes so much sense. 

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Epic awesomeness.  These three films do a wonderful job of portraying Tolkien's Middle Earth.  The nuances and descriptions present in the books are clearly evident throughout all three movies.  Well done, Peter Jackson!

The Princess Bride (1987)
This is just heartwarming, endearing, and wonderful.  A love story for the ages.  Wesley and Buttercup are beautifully represented by Robin Wright and Cary Elwes.  There is nothing wrong with this film at all.

Pride & Prejudice (1995 BBC Version; 2005 Hollywood Version) this one even a question?  Both film versions, the BBC special and the Hollywood film, are gorgeous in their own ways.  While the BBC version lines up with the book nearly perfectly, the Hollywood film is a cinematic masterpiece.  Yes, please.

North & South (2004)
Another BBC mini-series that is wonderfully done.  The love story that developes between Margaret Hale and John Thornton is  heart-warming to watch.  I can't give this film more praise.

Bridge to Terabithia (2007) good!  I love this movie...perhaps more than the book.  It's magical and tear-jerking all in one fell swoop.  Highly recommended.

Gone with the Wind (1939)
A no-brainer in my book.  Both the book and the film are sweeping bundles of awesomeness.  A ground-breaking cinematic adventure, the film does an excellent job at showing Scarlet and the other characters in a tangible way.  So well done.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
A literary gem that would be difficult to portray correctly, but Jack Nicholson does it brilliantly.  He is Randall McMurphy.  And Nurse Ratchet...don't even get me started!  Louise Fletcher is perfection. 

Everything is Illuminated (2005)
I love this book.  It's beautiful and funny and so awesome.  The movie...all the same sentiments!  Seriously, if you haven't read this book or seen this film, do it!  Do it now!!

What are some of your favorite book adaptations? 

Also, look for next week's Top Ten:  Books I'd Love to Read with my Book Club

Happy reading!


  1. Totally agree about Fight Club. And the icing on the cake was listening to the commentary and finding out that the author loved the adaptation? Score!


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