Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesdays:  A Sudden Light
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading. Here are the rules: grab whatever you're reading, open to a random page, select no more than two sentence (NO SPOILERS), share the title and author, and GO!
Today's Teaser:
"One's nature comes from within, not from without.  The abomination occurs in subverting one's instinct in favor of a rigid code written by others.  Trying to force yourself into a role that confounds your spirit will always break you." --page 160 
-----A Sudden Light by Garth Stein

Happy reading!


  1. Food for thought. I hope you're enjoying the book.
    My Tuesday post features LEARNIN’ THE ROPES.

    1. It's pretty good so far. There are points when I get a little sidetracked, but overall it's a good read.

  2. Oh that is a teaser to think about - here is my TT https://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2015/01/06/teaser-tuesday-january-6/

    1. It is, isn't it?! Thanks for stopping by, Cleo :)


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