Beyond the Books: Dream Career

This week's topic for Beyond the Books is:  Your Dream Career.  Oh man, oh man!  Well, I guess I have a few, but they're all very related to each other.  Here goes...

Writer for AP Magazine
  • AP (Alternative Press) Magazine is a music magazine focusing on alternative, rock, heavy metal, etc.  My dream would be to interview the bands, concerts, albums.  Whatever.  It would be so freaking cool to be on the ground floor of discovering new music.  They have an amazing feature every year, 100 Bands to Watch Out For, that is seriously awesome.  They even host their very own music awards show now.  So cool.
Travel Writer
  • Working for any of the big travel magazines, shows, or websites (think National Geographic, Travel & Leisure, etc) would be pretty awesome.  Flitting around the globe, tasting new cuisines, experiencing different cultures would be mind-blowingly awesome!  I have been lucky enough to do a bit of traveling and have so many experiences that I could easily write down, so doing so professionally would be a natural progression.  No?
  • Of course.  I would love, Love, LOVE to be able to sit in my home office (if I had one) or a cottage in the mountains/on the beach working on my next best-selling piece of genius.  Yep.  I'd love a vintage blue typewriter to do this on.  And a spiffy new laptop.  And notebooks galore.  And lots and lots of colorful pens.  Maybe I just like all the accessories.  I would also love having the necessary time to do the research for whatever I was working on.  Whether that be traveling, interviewing, or working my way through the stacks.  It would be awesome.
A fairly stream-lined progression right there.  I recently took a fiction writing workshop and actually finished a solid short story!  Whoa, buddy.  Perhaps it could be turned into a novel...maybe.  So, what would your dream career be?  I also wouldn't mind owning a used bookstore/coffee shop/craft store on the beach.  How fun would that be?!

Beyond the Books is a weekly event hosted by Karen at Kissin Blue Karen.  Feel free to join in!


  1. I wonder if I am cool enough to have a career at AP. Probably, but i am getting older so spending time with the fam is more important now then other things for me. Being a writer would be pretty cool. That is still my back up plan for happiness.
    thanks for playing!

  2. Travel writer would be amazing! There's a couple of authors who I absolutely love that focus on one person or time period or something and then go traveling all over the place writing about the connection. I have job envy!


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