B.O.B. Book Haiku

Day three in the Bout of Books 13 Read-a-Thon and I'm hoping to get a little more reading in today than I did yesterday.  Fingers crossed!  Regardless, I'm definitely participating in today's mini challenge:  writing a book haiku.
The Book Haiku challenge is hosted by Kristina @ Kristina Horner and is quite fun, simple, and to the point.  Write a traditional haiku about the book you're currently reading.  Easy peasy.

I'm currently working on Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and here's my attempt at a haiku:

Emma Bovary.
You are kind of a hot mess.
No, really.  You are.

And another for your reading pleasure :)

Kind Charles Bovary.
You inept country doctor.
Hippolyte was doomed.

What haikus can you think of for the book you're reading?

Happy reading, fellow Bout of Bookers!


  1. Ha! love those! Especially the first one! I did one too but didn't blog it, just tweeted. For The Girl on The Train:

    Sitting on the train
    She rides this way every single day
    sees something shocking


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