Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Want to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and it's a way to share what you're loving in list form. The topic changes every week, so there is always something new to discover!
This week's topic is a doozy:  Top Ten Authors I Really Want to Meet.  AGH!  There are so many.  So many!  I think I'm going to divide my list into two parts:  five authors still living and five who have passed.  Here goes!

Five Living Authors
  1. JK Rowling.  How can she NOT be on your list!!!    She's perfection.
  2. Salman Rushdie.  I think he would be so fascinating to talk to.
  3. Chris Bojhalian.  Hands down, he's my favorite American writer and I'm so bummed I missed his book signing when he was in Portland :(
  4. Alexander McCall Smith.  Just so I could talk all things Scottish with him.  I want to know even more about Bertie, Angus, and all the characters from 44 Scotland Street!
  5. Jenny Lawson.  The Bloggess herself!!  Her second book is coming out in September and she'll be in Portland in November.  Totally on my calendar already!!
Five Authors Who Have Passed
  1. Gabriel Garcia Marquez.  The father of Magical Realism!  Yes please! 
  2. Jorge Luis Borges.  His stories are so beautiful and intriguing.  Check out The Library of Babel.
  3. Thomas Mann.  Genius.  Pure genius.
  4. Franz Kafka.  How can you not want to meet an author who's most famous character is a giant bug?  He's got some other, even better, writing, but everything is haunting.  So good!
  5. Paul Celan.  My favorite disturbingly brilliant.
Who are some author's you'd like to meet?

Look for next week's Top Ten:  Freebie!

Happy reading!


  1. It was a good idea to divide your list into two parts--that's totally what I should have done!

    My TTT:

    1. Thanks! It was still very hard to narrow it down...

  2. Alexander McCall Smith is amazing - he writes about people so well. I really liked Scotland Street, but it is his No1 Ladies Detective Agency that loved :)
    My TTT

    1. Yes!!! I still haven't read No1 Ladies Detective Agency, but I keep saying I will someday. Thanks for visiting, Sue!

  3. I didn't know Jenny Lawson had a new book coming out! I absolutely loved "Let's Pretend This Never Happened." I don't think I've ever laughed out loud reading so much before!

    1. Me, too! I knew she'd been working on it for a while, but she just revealed the release date and book tour info. Yay!!!

  4. YES!!!! Jenny!! I'm planning on heading up to Seattle to see her this fall. I love her soo sooooo much. She's on my list as well. My TTT


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