Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesdays:  Madame Bovary

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn @ A Daily Rhythm. Here are the rules: grab whatever you're reading, open to a random page, select no more than two sentence (NO SPOILERS), share the title and author, and GO!

Here's today's teaser:
"Her tenderness, in fact, grew each day with her repulsion to her husband.  The more she gave up herself to the one, the more she loathed the other.  Never had Charles seemed to her so disagreeable, to have such stodgy fingers, such vulgar ways, to be so dull as when they found themselves together after her meeting with Rodolphe." --page 118
          Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Though hard to get into because of the super descriptive nature of classical French literature, I am quite enjoying the train wreck that is Emma Bovary!

Happy reading!


  1. Oh good tease and so believable!
    trish - my teaser

    1. Right?! It's a pretty good read so far...Thanks for visiting, Trish!


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