B.O.B. Progress (Final Update)

Bout of Books Progress and Challenge Tracker
I will be keeping track of my progress for the Bout of Books 13 Reading Challenge on this page, updated daily.  It's so much easier to do it this way than to write separate posts for every single day. 

Final Challenge Stats:
  • Books Finished:  4!  Granted, I had already begun two before the challenge, there was still a significant chunk left in each book.  Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish,  Marvel Zombies 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker, and Left Drowning by Jessica Park
  • Total Pages Read:  854
  • Total Challenges:  Two - Bookish Survey and Book Haiku
  • Final Thoughts:  The beginning of this Bout of Books got off to an incredibly slow start for me.  Selecting a classic is something I definitely do not recommend doing for this specific challenge because it was difficult to read a lot.  I felt like I was reading a lot and then I'd look at the page count...oy vey!  I'm so glad that I was able to finish the book though and move on to other, quicker reads that I was able to plow through.  In the end, I feel pretty accomplished with how many pages I got through.  I wish that I had participated in a few more challenges throughout the week, but the two that I did post about were great fun!  Overall, I feel that Bout of Books 13 was a resounding success.  How did you all fair?  Until next time, fellow Bout of Bookers!

Day 7 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently ReadingThe Cutting Season by Attica Locke
  • Pages Read:  280
  • Challenges:  None
  • Books Finished:  4 - Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish, Marvel Zombies 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker, and Left Drowning by Jessica Park
  • Thoughts:  Sunday was also a great reading day.  Though the housework has suffered a little from my weekend reading extravaganza, I don't really care!  I managed to finished the book I started yesterday and even got a decent chunk read in a new one.  Hot dog!
Day 6 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently ReadingLeft Drowning by Jessica Park
  • Pages Read:  350
  • Challenges:  None
  • Books Finished:  3 - Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish, and Marvel Zombies 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker
  • Thoughts:  What a freakin' productive reading day!  Even though I had to work for part of the day, the afternoon and evening were amazing for reading.  I had the apartment to myself and just put some tunes on.  So nice!  I manages to finished two more books and start a new one.  Yay! 
Day 5 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently ReadingAnnie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish and Marvel Zombies 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker
  • Pages Read:  50
  • Challenges:  None
  • Books Finished:  1 - Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  • Thoughts:  Not a stellar reading day, but I was still able to get a little bit of reading in.  Since I had to work early on Saturday, I wasn't able to stay up as late as I normally would to read, but I still got a few pages under the belt!  No challenges for the day :(
Day 4 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently ReadingAnnie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish and Marvel Zombies 4 by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker
  • Pages Read:  121
  • Challenges:  None
  • Books Finished:  1 - Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  • Thoughts:  Day four was a much more productive reading day for me than all other days...combined!  It still wasn't stellar, but I was finally able to finish up my difficult read (MB) and have moved on to much easier reads that I should be able to fly through.  Yeah buddy!  I got some good, uninterrupted reading time in while the bf was having a minor procedure done at the hospital (he's fine) and then finished up a little more once we got home.  I love days where I can relax and read! 

Day 3 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently Reading:  Still working on Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  • Pages Read:  15..so sad :(
  • ChallengesBook Haiku hosted by Kristina @ Kristina Horner
  • Thoughts:  While not a super productive reading day, I had a fairly productive day on getting other things done.  I'm really hoping to finish this book soon so I can move on to another, quicker read.  However, I did have fun writing my book haikus!

Day 2 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently ReadingMadame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  • Pages Read:  0
  • Challenges:  None
  • Thoughts:  So, day two was not productive in the reading or participation department for me.  I blame work and a leadership recognition dinner straight after that lasted until 9.  By the time I got home I just wanted to sleep.  Fingers crossed today is much better

Day 1 Challenge Stats:
  • Currently ReadingMadame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  • Pages Read:  38 (Classics take so much attention and concentration!)
  • ChallengesBookish Survey hosted by Lori @ Writing My Own Fairytale
  • Thoughts:  While I didn't read nearly as much for the first day of the challenge as I wanted to, I feel that 38 pages in a Flaubert novel is pretty dang good.  His writing is super descriptive, dense, and the font is small.  I loved participating in the Bookish Survey mini-challenge; it was a nice way to kick off this week of events.
Read on, fellow Bout of Bookers!


  1. Oh I feel you on classics taking a lot of time and attention. Good on you for taking one on! Madame Bovary is on my list, but I haven't quite been brave enough yet. I did just finish Lord of the Flies though, so at least I'm not completely without culture. :) My TTT

    1. It's good...but it's definitely been rough. I read "A Sentimental Education" by Flaubert years ago and loved it. Reading MB is definitely cutting in to my normal reading productivity though! What did you think of LotF? I read it and felt pretty ho-hum about it...

  2. I hate when work gets in the way!!

    1. Me, too! If only I had a job that required reading for pleasure...dreams...

  3. Happy reading to you and good luck with your reading goals!


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