B.O.B. 20: Day 2 Progress

Hot dog...graphic novels should totally be my thing for reading challenges.  You really feel like you accomplish A LOT!  I may even finish all the books I currently have checked out and move on to a few audio books to finish out this round of the challenge.


Here are my stats:

Current Read:  The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Pages Read:  313 + 20 minutes of an audio book
Books Finished:

Challenges:  I didn't get around to completing yesterday's challenge...
Thoughts:  Overall, it was a great reading day.  I have enjoyed every book I've finished so far and am really liking my current read.  Though it is strange to only be reading one book and not my normal 2-3.

Happy reading, fellow Bout of Bookers


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