A is for...Always and Audience of One

It's upon us!  The A-Z Blogging Challenge has officially commenced and for the next month (minus Sundays), bloggers from around the world will be joining together for a whirlwind of blogging fun!  This is my fourth year participating in the event and my chosen topic for this year will be Music.  Be prepared for a lot of random tunes...random facts...random lyrics...and general random awesomeness!

Without further ado...

A is for..."Always" and "Audience of One"

"Always" - Bon Jovi

My love for Bon Jovi is rooted deep within my soul and was planted when Cross Road was released in 1994.  That album is a freakin' gem and no song got to my like "Always".  I played that thing on repeat...constantly.  Give me a power ballad any day! 

*Fun fact:  the song was written for a movie (Romeo is Bleeding), originally, but shelved because the band hated the film. 
"Audience of One" - Rise Against

From the 2008 album Appeal to Reason, this Rise Against track is pure gold.  RA's penchant for politically driven songs and for social activism is evidenced through not only their music, but through their personal lives as well.  Though their newer albums are becoming more mainstream than their previous, more punk/hardcore driven work, their messages are still relevant.

*Lyrics:  "Identities assume us / As nine to five add up / Synchronizing watches / To the seconds that we lost / I looked up and saw you / I know that you saw me / We froze but for a moment / In empathy"

What are some of your favorite A songs?

Happy blogging, fellow A-Zers!


  1. Bon Jovi has so many great songs that never get old. Not to mention he's also hot! Your music theme for April sounds like fun :)

    A to Z Challenge CoHost
    The Madlab Post

    1. I know! Great songs, hot singer...what more could you ask for? Thanks for visiting, Nicole!

  2. Hi Mel, My first time here from the Blogging A to Z Challenge. I've noticed a few music themes this year, but yours looks like one I will enjoy, so I'll be back. : )

    1. Excellent! Thanks for stopping by, Robin :)

  3. Day one and you already got me to add a song to my Spotify. Well done! I really enjoyed Audience of One. I've heard Rise Against several times, but I hadn't heard that particular track prior to today. Thanks!! Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

    1. So my plan of world domination is working? Right on! Thanks for reading, Elle!


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