J is for...Jessie's Girl and Jealous

Happy Saturday, fellow A-Zers!  I hope you're all enjoying a well deserved weekend and patting yourself on the back for making it through week two of the challenge.  Today I'm heading over to Cherry City Comic Con (not my choice...the BF is kind of a nerd), so it shall be interesting.  I know exactly 1 name on the list of attendees...Naomi Grossman aka Pepper from American Horror Story.  Regardless, today's all about the letter J.

J is for "Jessie's Girl" and "Jealous"

"Jessie's Girl" - Rick Springfield

This is my 80s jam of choice.  I built a Pandora station around it.  I bought an 80s compilation disc because of it.  I crank the volume up on the radio whenever it comes on.  I watch 13 Going on 30 (which I love) and can't wait for the scene in the cab when this song plays.  Basically, I love "Jesse's Girl". 

*Fun Fact:  "Jessie's Girl" actually garnered Rick Springfield the Grammy for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance in 1982, it was ranked the #1 song when MTV launched in 1981, and was named one of the 100 Greatest Songs of the 80s in 2006.

"Jealous" - Nick Jonas

I can't believe I'm including this song...and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit how much I like it.  Ugh.  This song works.  It just does.  Aside from the atrocious video (it's bad, people), it's a catchy tune.  Damn you, Nick Jonas!

*Lyrics:  "It's not your fault that they hover / I mean no disrespect / It's my right to be hellish / I still get jealous"

What are some of your favorite J songs?

Blog on, fellow A-Zers!


  1. Yup. That video was weird. So many things wrong with that. 1. He runs weird. 2. Don't misspell gratitude to try and seem hipster. 3. Why are you singing with an old lady? It's creepy. And then I took to the Googles and found this for you... The 21 Most WTF Moments From Nick Jonas’ New Music Video This video will haunt me in my dreams. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

    1. Right?! Ah, Buzzfeed...always has my back!

  2. I was a big fan of Rick Springfield. Saw him live at least once. The only '80s rock song I can recall that starts with J other than this one is Van Halen's "Jump," which was a lot of fun. Happy A to Z!

    1. There's a new Rick Springfield documentary that I just discovered: An Affair of the Heart. Here's the trailer: http://www.rickspringfielddoc.com/
      Looks pretty entertaining! And "Jump" always makes me think of my uncle :)

  3. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge 2015!
    Great post. I'm following you on your listed social media sites.
    Congrats on being this far on the A to Z challenge, and for being at 25 books on the goodreads challenge!
    My favorite J band is Jet. Fav J song is Aerosmith's Janie's Got a Gun.

    1. Hi J! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting! And thanks for the follows :) I almost, almost, almost chose "Janie's Got a Gun". Great song!


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