C is for Crossword Puzzles


The letter C was really easy to come up with for me.  I am, admittedly, a complete nerd and one of my many nerd tendencies happens to start with the letter C.

Crossword Puzzles
I absolutely love crossword puzzles.  Wednesdays on the campus I teach at are my favorite for one reason: it's the day the student newspaper comes out and there is always a crossword puzzle in the issue.  Score!  I love the challenge that each one presents and how, if printed in a daily newspaper, they become increasingly more difficult as the week goes by.  One of my favorites is the New York Times crossword puzzle, despite the fact that it continually kicks my ass.  I attempt it every week...with increasing frustration at times.  Here are a few of my favorites that can be completed online:

As can be seen, I am not following a theme at all for this month-long challenge.  However, I did plan it out completely.  Good thing too!  Happy "C" Day!


  1. i have never been very good at crossword puzzles---i get a little envious when one of my sisters and my brother do them together--i am more of a search a word gal, like my mom was :)

  2. I love doing the USA Today puzzle. I feel like it keeps my brain going. My favorite is Thursday's puzzle, it is easier, to me.

  3. Crossword puzzles - I tried doing one at work during break and I could only get one word. I felt pretty silly. I'm envious of people that can do them!

  4. I'm an addict. Completely. I do the USA Today every morning for break, and in the afternoons I usually work on a Sunday puzzle. Wednesday is my favorite day, though, because the Onion puts out a puzzle every Wednesday. It's crazy how much you learn, too. The more you do them, the easier they get.

    Here's a great site that collects many of the different puzzles online, including the Onion and Jonesin, that is updated daily. It's my go-to.

    Great post!


  5. You captured me with crossword puzzles so I was drawn to this post. I too am a nut about them. I've enjoyed working crosswords since I was a kid and still always have some in progress.
    I am now following your blog.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out


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