B.O.B. 21: Day 1 Progress

Day 1 is in the books and we've all survived!  While yesterday may not have been the "successful" day I would normally wish to have in past Bout of Books sessions, I'm not worried about it.  As long as I'm able to carve a little time out of my days this week to enjoy a few pages, I'll be a happy camper.  Regardless, here are my stats for the first day of the read-a-thon!

Stats for Day 1:

Current Read:  The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Knitting by Anne Bartlett
Pages Read:  39 pages in Shadow of the Wind
Time Spent Reading:  About 2 hours on and off throughout the day.  I took some time to attend a yoga+wine session in the evening and watched a show with the husband when he got home from work. 
Challenges:  None yesterday.  I had a surprisingly busy day that did not lend itself to bookish pursuits.
Thoughts:  I'm approaching the challenge with a low-key relaxed attitude, so I'm not too bent out of shape with my reading yesterday...though I do hope that today is a little bit better. 

Happy reading, fellow Bout of Bookers!


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