B.O.B. 21 Day 2 Progress

Good morning, lovelies!  Yesterday was a more successful book day all around :)  I got a little bit more reading under my belt (though still significantly below what I normally do) and participated in the awesome goals challenge. 

Here are my stats for Day 2:

Current ReadThe Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Knitting by Anne Bartlett
Pages Read:  30 from Knitting and 26 from Shadow
Total Pages:  95
Time Spent Reading:  Again, about 2 hours on and off throughout the day.  I was feeling very unmotivated to do much last night and got sucked in to HGTV...
Challenges2018 Reading Goals
Thoughts:  Still approaching the read-a-thon with no expectations of myself or the event and I don't feel pressured to read in every spare moment I have.  Today may be a better reading day, or it may not.  Who knows ;)

Happy reading, fellow Bout of Bookers!


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