B.O.B. 21 Day 5 Progress

Welcome to the homestretch, fellow Bout of Bookers!  I have every intention of completing the two books I've been working on all week. 

Here are Friday's Stats:

Current ReadThe Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Pages Read:  107 in Knitting
Total Pages:  346
Time Spent Reading:  I had a very good reading day!  Spend several hours throughout the day reading and finishing up one book and got a good chunk done out of the other.  Maybe I'll finish Shadow before the weekend's up and start a third!
Books FinishedKnitting by Anne Bartlett 
Challenges:  None...
Thoughts:  Though I had every intention of reading from Shadow yesterday evening, I just didn't get to it.  I chose to watch some TV (mainly shows my husband is not too keen on since he was at work) and then went to bed.  I'm not too heartbroken about it ;)

Happy reading, BOB Fam :)


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