Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Own the Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and it's a way to share what you're loving in list form. The topic changes every week, so there is always something new to discover!
This week's theme is:  Authors I Own the Most Books From.  When I find an author I like, I tend to voraciously read everything they've ever written.  It's a disease.  Regardless, here's my list:

Italo Calvino
  • Born in Cuba and raised in Italy, Italo Calvino is a varied writer.  Ranging from fairy tale-esque to realistic and magical realism to modern/postmodernist, he has something for everyone.  He's a brilliant writer.  13 books...
  • Recommendation:  The Baron in the Trees
Alexander McCall Smith
  • A modern Scottish writer and medical law professor, Alexander McCall Smith is most well-known for his No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series.  However, I am a huge fan of his 44 Scotland Street collection.  Published as serials in The Scotsman newspaper, it's a fun glimpse into the everday life of several Edinburgh characters.  8 books...
  • Recommendation:  44 Scotland Street
JK Rowling
  • Duh!  If you don't know who J.K. Rowling is,  you've been living under an extremely heavy rock!  10 books...
  • Recommendation:  EVERYTHING!
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • A Colombian writer and Nobel Prize winner, Marquez, sadly, passed away this year.  Considered the father of magical realism, he infuses his stories with fantastical elements and dense, expansive plots.  In addition, he sets most of his work in the fictional town of Macondo.  8 books... 
  • Recommendation:  One Hundred Years of Solitude
Chris Bohjalian
  • A contemporary American novelist, Chris Bohjalian is noted for his ability to tackled difficult subjects with grace and sensitivity.  His writing is beautiful and sucks you in.  He utilizes the structure of alternating perspectives in each of his novels, which lends credibility.  8 books...
  • Recommendation:  Midwives   
Rick Riordan
  • An American writer of children's literature and science fiction/fantasy, Rick Riordan's books are so well written and such fun.  Sadly, I think his books have been lost on a market saturated by YA and fantasy literature over the past decade.  5 books...
  • Recommendation:  Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
Jane Austen
  • I love Jane Austen and Victorian England.  For her time (and even now), her writing stands up as relevant.  You really can't go wrong with a JA novel.  6 books...
  • Recommendation:  Pride and Prejudice
George R.R. Martin
  • Much like JK Rowling, if you've been living under a rock the past few years, then you might have missed the total domination of George R.R. Martin and his A Song of Fire and Ice series.  An American novelist, Martin focuses his efforts in the genres of science fiction and horror.  And boy does he succeed!  5 books...
  • Recommendation:  A Song of Fire and Ice series 
Salman Rushdie
  • An Indian born novelist and essayist, Salman Rushdie is a champion of the magical realism literary style.  Thematically, he tends to deal a lot with the notion of migration between the Eastern and Western world.  He's had a very tumultuous career, including death threats and multiple literary prizes.  9 books...
  • Recommendation:  Midnight's Children
Jude Deveraux
  • An American Romance writer, Jude Deveraux is quite prolific.  Though much of her writing is focused on Historical Romance, she does sneak in some contemporary reads as well.  Deveraux is my go-to girl for a light read between much of what I normally choose to immerse myself in.  16 books...
  • Recommendation:  the Montgomery/Taggart series
All so good!  I know that there are several authors on my shelf (and included on this list) who tie for the number of books I personally own, but this is what I'm going with :)

Look for next week's Top Ten:  Books I'd Give to Readers Who Have Never Read X (I haven't decided what X will be yet...)

Happy reading!


  1. This was such a fun prompt this week! Chris Bohjalian is a favorite of mine, but he didn't make my list this week. My favorite is also Midwives!

    1. Agreed! I really enjoyed this prompt. And yay for another Bohjalian fan! I recommend him to everyone who is looking for a great read.

  2. OMG JK Rowling! Gotta lover her! And I agree about Riordan's books have been lost in the market of mostly YA books, but his works are really great though.
    my top ten tuesday:

    1. Most both Rowling and Riordan! Thanks for stopping by :)


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