Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Movies or TV Shows

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and it's a way to share what you're loving in list form. The topic changes every week, so there is always something new to discover!

This week's theme is:  Favorite Movies or TV Shows.  Oh, man, oh, man...where do I begin?  I'm going to go with TV shows for this week's post, because they're easier to narrow down!

Here are my favorites (past and present) in no particular order:

The Walking Dead
  • I am obsessed with this show.  Beyond obsessed.  It's kind of ridiculous.  I'll watch the marathons even though I've seen every single episode.  I also stick around after each episode and watch The Talking Dead.  But it's oh so good!  If you like zombies and aren't grossed out by gore...this is THE show for long as Daryl and Glenn don't die.
So You Think You Can Dance
  • Dancing?  Check!  Awesome choreography?  Check!  Alternating guest judges?  Check!  Returning all-stars?  Double check!  This is, hands down, my favorite "reality" show.  It's entertaining, emotional, and full of talented people.  I seriously do a countdown for SYTYCD because it's so buck!
  • When this show came out, I quickly became a voracious watcher.  It was fun and involved aliens...because they exist...and the whole Area 51 conspiracy theory.  So good.  Even when it was scheduled to be cut from the WB line-up, fans sent thousands upon thousands of bottles of tabasco to keep it on the air...and it worked!
  • This one is pretty self-explanatory.  10 years of awesome comedy and I still watch the reruns on tv whenever their on. 
  • There are multiple reasons I love this show.  1. It's set in Portland and the Pacific Northwest (where I live).  2. It is all about Grimm fairytales and, as a lover of German culture, this appeals to me greatly.  3. It's just plain awesome. 
The IT Crowd
  • Specifically the British version of the show (the original).  So, so, so funny!  The adventures, and misadventures, of Roy, Moss, and Jen are flat out hilarious.  If you haven't seen this show, definitely check it out.  Seasons 1-3 are available to stream via Netflix :)
  • This is where the nerd in me comes out hardcore.  I love Jeopardy.  I love knowledge and trivial tidbits.  My mother says that I am a fount of useless information...and I have to agree with her.  However, this allows for me to be pretty damn good at Jeopardy :)  One day I'll try out...
Game of Thrones
  • The books are phenomenal...the shows pretty awesome as well.  Though I have to say that if you've never read the books, there are so many things that can be confusing in the series; I find myself having to explain who someone is or a plotting device to my boyfriend often when we watch the show.  We're currently finishing up season two (no spoilers, please) and are eager to begin season three!
One Tree Hill
  • This show began right before my sophomore year of undergrad and I loved it.  We had OTH watching parties and were eager to see what exploits the characters were getting up to each week.  I'll admit that I didn't watch the last three or four seasons, but I've been seriously thinking about going back and finishing it up.  It's a great teen drama.
Dawson's Creek
  • What can I say...I love a good WB teen drama!  The drama surrounding Dawson, Pacey, Joey, and Jen was right up my alley and coincided perfectly with my age group.  I loved that show and watched it from start to finish.
And there you have it!  What are some of your favorite TV shows?

Also, look for next week's top ten:  Characters I Would Want with Me on a Deserted Island

Happy reading!


  1. YAY Dawson's Creek <3 One of my all time favorites!!

  2. I loved Roswell:) I was hoping the CW's Starcrossed would be bring Roswell feels but it was not to be:(

    1. Ah sad :( I've never heard of Starcrossed...but maybe it isn't worth checking out. It's always nice to meet a fellow Roswell lover...there are too few of us! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I really like the Walking Dead too. I have been so behind on all of the episodes, I need to catch up! Great List : )

    1. Last season was crazy! I can't wait for October and season 5! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I have seen all the episodes of Friends so many times that I pretty much know the words to all of them. It's my favorite show to turn to when I'm in a blah mood. I too can't stop watching The Walking Dead. I want to re-watch the show before the next season if I have time. I'm starting to forget what happened in the earlier seasons before the prison.

    Kay @ It's a Book Life

    1. Friends is just such a well-made show. It's one you can watch over and over again, never getting tired of the same jokes. It will always be funny. And The Walking times infinity! I know that before the new season starts they tend to do a marathon of the previous season, but not the entire series. Netflix! Thanks for stopping by, Kay!

  5. Yes. Yes it is. Thanks for stopping by, Fiza!


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