New Blogging Schedule

In an effort to post more consistently, I've decided to join in on a few memes hosted by various book bloggers in the blogosphere.  This will force me to post something every day, aside from Saturdays and Sundays, and I'm thinking that's a good thing.  I should also get back into the habit of reviewing the books I've read (I have a whole smattering of drafts just waiting to be finished), and posting those during the week as well.  Here's the breakdown of posting memes and their respective hosts:

  • Musing Mondays hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading
    • This is a weekly meme where MizB will post a question on a book/reading- related topic and you answer with your personal thoughts.
  • Teaser Tuesdays hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading
    • I used to participate in this meme regularly, but haven't for awhile.  I'm going to start posting on it again.  This meme is all about enticement.  You grab whatever book you're currently reading or will be starting, flip to a random page, and blog no more than 2 sentences to entice the readers without giving away too much detail
  • Top Ten Tuesdays hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
    • This is a weekly meme in list form where you show your love for something book-related in a top ten list.
  • "Waiting On" Wednesday hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine
    • This is a weekly meme where you spotlight an upcoming release that you're looking forward to.
  • Booking Through Thursday hosted by Deb @ Booking Through Thursday
    • Essentially, every Thursday a question/prompt is posted, you copy and paste it to your blog and answer the prompt.  Pretty simple.
  • Flashback Friday hosted by Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies
    • This meme gives bloggers a chance to highlight some of their favorite books from the past.  It must have been published at least five years ago and you write about why this book is so awesome and special for you.
This should be a good way to keep on track and, maybe, inspire fellow bloggers to participate in these various memes!  Happy blogging and reading!


  1. I love all these!! Obviously I've done Waiting on Wednesdays, and I'm planning on starting Top Ten Tuesdays next week! I look forward to your posts!

    1. I saw your "Waiting On" Wednesday and Top Ten is pretty awesome. I like that they post the topics ahead of time. Some of these other ones look great! Yay for blogging :)


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