Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday:  Heartless

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading. Here are the rules: grab whatever you're reading, open to a random page, select no more than two sentence (NO SPOILERS), share the title and author, and GO!
Here's this week's teaser:
"Alexia backed toward the open door, lifting up her parasol in a defensive position and pressing her thumb against the appropriate lotus petal in the handle, arming the tip with one of the numbing darts.  She wished she had not left Ethel behind; guns, by an large, were far more threatening than parasols"  --page 101 
  --Heartless by Gail Carriger
Nearly done with the Parasol Protectorate series!  One more to go. 

Happy reading!


  1. Is Ethel her gun?


  2. A parasol with numbing darts?? I love it!
    My Teaser is from MAJOR PETTIGREW'S LAST

    1. It's quite an ingenious invention...with multiple uses :) Thanks for stopping by, Sandra. And I have yet to read "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand"...will have to check it out!

  3. Ha, ha. Using a parasol as a weapon reminds me of Amelia Peabody.
    Mine today is from Borderline by Nevada Barr. http://wp.me/pZnGI-8k

    1. Oh! I'll have to check into that :) And I'll pop over to read your teaser. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm quite enjoying this series. Thanks for stopping by, Melissa!


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