Of Mice and Men: A Review

John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men

Title:  Of Mice and Men
Author:  John Steinbeck
Published:  1937
Publishing Company:  Penguin Books
Page Count:  103

Summary via Goodreads
The tragic story of the complex bond between two migrant laborers in Central California. They are George Milton and Lennie Small, itinerant ranch hands who dream of one day owning a small farm. George acts as a father figure to Lennie, who is a very large, simple-minded man, calming him and helping to rein in his immense physical strength.

My Thoughts
I have to be honest...I did not love this book...or particularly like it all that much.  Yeah, it's good.  But kind of boring.  Don't get me wrong, I get why Steinbeck is considered one of the greatest American writers (and I'm not a huge fan of American writers), but this was such a letdown.  So many people have raved about this book and I just don't get it.  I did feel for the characters, especially Lennie, but I don't blame George at all for what he did.  Admittedly, I was a little shocked by his choice, but it makes sense in the long run.  Overall...Steinbeck isn't for me.  Though I haven't read anything else by him...so you never know.

Three stars on Goodreads.  It's well written and can be engaging, but boring...

What do you love about Steinbeck that I'm missing?

Happy reading!


  1. I read "Travels with Charley" which I enjoyed, but no literary writting of Steinbeck. Might give it a pass.

    1. I haven't read "Travels with Charley", but I'm sure I will at one point. The nice thing about "Of Mice and Men" is that it's a quick read. Thanks for stopping by :)


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